Please note that MEGT’s Job Board will be unattended from 5:00pm on January 23rd until January 28th. While you can still post vacancies during this time, they will not be uploaded until Tuesday, January 28th. We appreciate your understanding and patience.

Terms & Conditions for Job Board

Terms & Conditions for MEGT’s Job Board

  • The Job Board is MEGT Apprentice Connect Australia Provider’s free online job matching system for job seekers and employers. It provides a platform for registered job seekers to search and apply for apprenticeship and traineeship vacancies.
  • The Job Board also provides a platform for registered employers to advertise vacancies and screen candidates based on their applications.
  • Use of MEGT’s Job Board is conditional upon your acceptance and compliance with the Terms and Conditions.
  • Job Board users contact details are held by MEGT and by providing them Job Board users agree to be contacted by us about other services provided by MEGT (Australia) Ltd in relation to apprenticeships, traineeships, career advice and training courses that may assist with career development.
  • MEGT provides no guarantee to Job Board users that services generally available through the Job Board site will be uninterrupted or error free.
  • MEGT reserves the right at all times without the need to have to provide any notice to Job Board users, to alter the functionality and/or appearance of its services available through MEGT’s Job Board site.
  • Vacancies may not be displayed or advertised on other Job Boards, websites or blogs by a third party other than the employer without the permission of MEGT.
  • MEGT may promote vacancies on other Job Boards, websites or blogs with the intention of improving the Job Board service for both employers and job seekers.
  • The MEGT Job Board service does not include MEGT providing any reference checks, background checks, or other suitability checks on behalf of employers.

Privacy and security

  • Please refer to the full details of MEGT’s Privacy Policy published on
  • Job Board users are responsible for the security of their Job Board password and login.

Applications (Job Seekers)

  • By applying for vacancies listed on this site, Job Board users register by providing their contact details.
  • In doing so, Job Board users agree for their contact details to be passed on to the employer along with their resume and cover letter. All applications will be forwarded to the email address registered with the employer account.

Vacancies (Employers)

  • By using the MEGT Job Board, MEGT does not guarantee applications for vacancies, nor the suitability of applicants for the role.
  • If an advertisement breaches the guidelines below, MEGT will not be responsible for Job Board users advertisements or any legal action that may be taken as a consequence of the advertisement.
  • All vacancies advertised on MEGT’s Job Board must have an apprenticeship or traineeship outcome. MEGT will do its best to validate the jobs are genuine and reserves the right to remove any vacancy it deems inappropriate or unacceptable.

Compliance requirements for vacancies

  • All vacancies must comply with the following guidelines. MEGT reserves the right to re-word a vacancy, or ask Job Board users to re-word a vacancy, so that it complies with the following guidelines and maintains the right to remove a vacancy at any time at its discretion.

State and Federal legislation

  • Job advertisements must not breach any Australian Federal or State laws or the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and Workplace Relations Act 1996.
  • Job advertisements must not discriminate or appear to discriminate against a person based on their race, colour, sex, sexual preference, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, family or carer’s responsibility, pregnancy, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin.

Sex Discrimination Act 1984

  • The Federal Sex Discrimination Act applies throughout Australia and contains some provisions that are different to state and territory sex discrimination laws. People and organisations exempt under state and territory laws (such as small businesses) are not necessarily exempt under the Federal Sex Discrimination Act. It is not enough to simply comply with state or territory anti-discrimination laws. You must also meet your obligations under the Federal Sex Discrimination Act.
  • Section 86 of the Federal Sex Discrimination Act makes it unlawful to publish or display an advertisement that indicates, or could reasonably be understood to indicate, an intention to discriminate on the ground/s of: sex, marital status, pregnancy and/or potential pregnancy.
  • This requirement extends to persons or corporations who don’t actually publish or display the advertisement or notice, but cause or permit it to be published.
  • The Federal Sex Discrimination Act prohibits direct and indirect discrimination. Direct discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favourably on the basis of their sex, marital status, pregnancy or potential pregnancy. Indirect discrimination concerns policies and practices which appear to be neutral but have the effect of disadvantaging persons of one sex, or of a particular marital status, or pregnant/potentially pregnant women. Sexual harassment is also unlawful.

Tips for Job advertisements

  • Avoid gender specific job titles such as “girl friday” or “salesman” opting for gender neutral language such as “secretary” or “salesperson”.
  • Advertisements should not favour or make assumptions about a particular marital status; for example, asking for a “single, fun-loving person who is free to work nights” directly discriminates on the basis of marital status.
  • Avoid upper age limits for example, “trainee clerk required – maximum 28 years” as this may indirectly discriminate against female applicants who temporarily left the workforce due to pregnancy and subsequent child rearing. This example may also constitute age discrimination.
  • Note: A recruitment advertisement made in compliance with the Federal Sex Discrimination Act ensures a wide merit-based pool of job applicants, it will help you attract the best, most qualified people.


  • There are a number of exemptions in the Federal Sex Discrimination Act in Sections 13, 14 and 30 to 43. These exemptions relate to employment by religious institutions or voluntary bodies, or relate to requirements where gender is a genuine occupational qualification. An exemption also exists for the selection of a person to work in domestic duties at the residence of an employer.

Special measures

The following guidelines complement the Recruitment & Consulting Services Association Code of Conduct:

  • Job advertisers must take care that they accurately describe what, if any, jobs are available and that all information about a job given before or at an interview with jobseekers is accurate and not misleading.

Real jobs

  • Do not advertise jobs unless the job is a genuine one. The advertisement must not be misleading or deceptive.

No charge

  • Employers posting vacancies on MEGT’s site may not charge applicants for their applications.

Additional charges

  • MEGT’s Apprentice Connect Australia Provider services are provided at no charge to employers or job seekers.
  • MEGT (Australia) Ltd offers other services via their Recruitment and Management Services (RMS) division that may assist employers with their recruitment. If employers engage RMS to undertake reference checking, background checks, fitness for role assessments, interviews for shortlisting, inductions and pre-employment training, a fee for this additional service is applicable. Refer to MEGT’s website for a complete list of planning, recruitment and management services.

Positions identified as specific to Indigenous Australians

  • To advertise a vacancy restricted to Indigenous Australians, you must quote the exemption under section 89 of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 granted by the appropriate Civil and Administrative Tribunal and quoting the exemption number.